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Lil Y'allers League: Spring Session Registration

Lil Y'allers League: Spring Session Registration

Regular price $150.00
Regular price Sale price $150.00
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The Lil Y’allers League is the premier youth instructional baseball league in the Greater Cincinnati area. The league is open to children 3-8 years of age. The spring session is played from April 19 - June 28. Each age division will play eight games.  

 T-Ball: Saturday mornings from 7:30am-9:00am beginning April 19th and ending June 28th. 

Coach Pitch: Monday or Tuesday evenings beginning April 29th and ending June 23rd. Coach Pitch I from 5:30pm-7:00pm and Coach Pitch II from 7:00pm -8:30pm

 All players receive a dri-fit jersey, hat and Club Y’allers membership.

Once registered, a member of our Amateur Baseball staff will contact you directly via email to gather your child’s information so that they can be placed in the appropriate league.  Please make sure to fill in email address when filling out contact information.

Still have questions? Contact Don Tragesser at:

Please select in- store pick up when checking out. Shipping is not required. 

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